We’re focused on providing better nutrition for you and your family, and we’re glad you’re here.

David, Maria and son Stephen live in the rolling hills of Danville, Indiana. David and Maria both have backgrounds in education—biology and physics, respectively.
David’s passion for better nutrition began with a love for mountain biking, which he segued into triathlon competitions. Over the years, David recognized a need for locally-raised, nutrient-dense proteins to fuel athletes and growing families alike. David’s background in biology and fond memories of his uncle’s family farm influenced a new passion—and thus Desnae Farms was born. The Primm family is committed to providing the best meat they can for you and your family.
We believe in sustainable, responsible farming.
As a former biology teacher, David is focused on responsible soil conservation and land management practices that optimize underground nutrients, without disrupting the soil microbiome. Sustainable soil health practices enrich pasture grasses creating more nutrient-dense meats for your table.
Our Meat
Better Nutrition For You & Your Family
Our farm offers pasture-raised chickens, nutrient-dense rabbit meat and 100% grass-fed beef. We stand behind our meat, because it’s what we feed our family.
Desnae Farms raise chickens the old-fashioned way—in a pasture—for chicken meat that tastes like, well, chicken. Mobile poultry houses allow for rotational pasture grazing—providing a true foraged flavor and enhanced nutritional value in the chicken meat. Pasture raised chicken meat is higher in iron, Omega-3’s, and higher in antioxidants such as Vitamin E. Pasture raised chicken has been shown to have 15% more collagen than commercially raised chicken—making it an excellent choice for preparing bone broth.
David will tell you his rabbits only have “one bad day”. Desnae Farms is committed to raising happy animals and David believes you will taste it. David processes, ages—for a noticeable tenderness—and freezes rabbit meat on site. This ensures product quality from start to finish.
Rabbit meat is popular with consumers looking for a high-quality protein with essential amino acids, no uric acid and a low purine content. Rabbit meat is also low in fat and cholesterol and is a significant source of B-vitamins. Rabbit meat can also be effectively fortified with bioactive compounds in high quality feed making it an excellent functional food—exceptionally suited for performance athletes and families alike.
Desnae Farms offers 100% grass-fed beef. Packed with B vitamins and antioxidants, grass-fed beef has significantly lower levels of saturated fat compared to grain-fed beef—making it a smarter nutritional choice. Our grass-fed beef is non-GMO, free of growth hormones and antibiotics.